Kestävä rahoitus – vihreitä investointeja koskeva EU:n luo­kit­te­lu­jär­jes­tel­mä


Luonnonsuojeluliitto tukee EU:n työtä kestävämmän rahoituksen määritelmiksi. Työn tulee tukea ilmaston lisäksi vesi- ja biodiversiteettitavoitteita. Tavoitteiden tulee ylittää nykytaso ja tieteellisen näkökulman jäsenmaiden lyhytnäköiset edut.

EU:n ympäristörahoitus on puutteellista.
Kuva: Mia Niemelä

Erityisasiantuntija Tapani Veistola täytti komission kyselylomakkeen saaden kommentteja Hanna Aholta ja Jari Natuselta. Kyse oli tässä vaiheessa ns. delegoidun asetuksen etenemissuunnitelman (roadmap) kuulemisesta.

Sustainable finance – EU classification system for green investments

Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation) is the oldest and biggest environmental NGO in Finland. We warmly welcome the EU work for more sustainable financing.

In addition to Climate Change mitigation and adaptation, also other EU environmental targets should be highlighted. For example, good ecological status of waters (e.g. problems of hydropower dams and aquaculture), halting the loss of biodiversity (e.g. problems is forestry and agriculture) and ecoefficiency (e.g. vast amounts of materials and energy are wasted to get small amout of gold or diamonds etc.).

The EU criteria should give added value compared to current status quo. If the current level of legislation and standards were enough, there could not be any climate or biodiversity crisis. Business as usual is not enough anymore, so we ne need better practices and more sustainable financing.

It is essential that EU work goes beyond national targets. For example, it is hard for Finland to confess any problems in forestry (e.g. current loss of carbon storage and biodiversity), peat (e.g. peat burning and agriculture) and nuclear energy (e.g. problems in Uranium mining, technical problems in building new nuclear power plants and still open questions in nuclear fuel encapsulation and final disposal facility). These things can’t be solved in the Member State level. We need more wide EU view and unpartial scientific criteria work, which goes over national or local political and economic interests.


Toiminnanjohtaja Tapani Veistola
