Luon­non­suo­je­lu­lii­ton kommentit EU:n 8. ym­pä­ris­tö­oh­jel­maan


EU valmistelee kahdeksatta ympäristöohjelmaansa. Sen periaatteet ovat Luonnonsuojeluliitonkin mielestä hyvin kannatettavia: mm. ”do not harm” -periaate, planetaariset rajat, hyvinvointi sekä toimeenpanon ja seurannan tehostaminen.

New (8th) Environment Action Programme – supporting the European Green Deal

Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation) is the oldest and biggest environmental NGO in Finland.

We warmly welcome and support the 8 EAP with good principles like Do Not Harm, planetary boundaries, wellbeing, monitoring and enforcement.

Do Not Harm Principle is a good start. It should be implemented in all legislation and financing (including so-called Taxonomy). However, the Commission could develop it in the future to more active and positive direction (e.g. Do Always the Best Thing for Nature).

Implementation has been the biggest gap in earlier EAPs. Reporting in the European Semester and EUCOs is important. It is essential to get EU funds work for environmental targets. This time the biggest problems are in the CAP, which should be put into very strict control.

It is wise to give more resources for EEA and ECHA. Monitoring is essential and also Member States should keep long-term data series alive. If we have too few monitoring indicators, we don’t find all important changes early enough. Mid-term evaluation of the 8 EAP is important.

In addition, minimising the EU footprint also in other countries is important. The role of trade agreements and sustainable financing is growing in achieving environmental targets.


Tapani Veistola

Head of nature conservation unit


Toiminnanjohtaja Tapani Veistola
