Toi­min­ta­suun­ni­tel­ma kalavarojen säi­lyt­tä­mi­sek­si ja me­rie­ko­sys­tee­mien suojelemiseksi


Liitto tukee Komission etenemissuunnitelmaa parantaa meriluonnon suojelua kalastuksessa. Sitä voi kuitenkin edistää kalastuspolitiikan kautta ja avaamatta merenhoitoa koskevaa direktiiviä.

Komission kyselylomakkeelle täytetty vastaus 12.5.2021

Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation) is the oldest and biggest environmental NGO in Finland.

We welcome the roadmap for the Action plan to conserve fisheries resources and protect marine aquatic resources.

It is important to improve selectivity of fishing techniques to reduce bycatch of mammals, birds and endangered fish species (e.g. Salmon and Eel). We have problems even with recreational fish nets, because they are dangerous for small cubs of endemic Saimen Seal.

We don’t have bottom trawling in Finland, and we think that it should be banned also in other Member States to save marine habitats.

We think that the MSFD is good, and there is no need to open it. However, more attention should be put to the implementation in the Member States.

In the Baltic Sea CFP, Technical measures should be improved to increase selectivity especially with Cod and Salmon. In addition, critically endangered Eel should be protected as soon as possible in the whole EU.


Tapani Veistola
acting executive director


Toiminnanjohtaja Tapani Veistola
